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The World War II 90 Year Old Veteran Comes Out To Be A Woman

The World War II veteran, Patricia Davies, proves it never too late to make an entirely new beginning by living life truthfully.

Patricia is from Leicestershire, England, the incredible part is she decided the transition after turning 90. Davies, Peter earlier, had known herself to be a woman since childhood.

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Caters News Agency

“I’ve known I was transgender since I was 3 years old. I knew a girl called Patricia, and I decided I wanted to be known by that name but it didn’t stick,” she told Caters News Agency.

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Caters News Agency

She said she was forced to keep her identity a secret for most of her life either for fear or she would be shunned by the peers.

“The atmosphere [around being transgender] was not safe. People did not understand what transgender was,” Davies said.

Davies has served in the army between April 1945-to-1948, she further says”transgender” would have particularized her as a homo that’d not ve been accepted in the force. She has lost friends and cheated death in the armed force but she she is happy with this change.

“I feel quite proud having served during the war and having done military service, in particular during the trouble in Palestine,” said Davies.

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Caters News Agency

Davies married at the age of 21, she revealed the reality in 1987 to her wife whom she was married for 63 years they had to keep mum about it. Then she was gifted jewelry and dresses by her wife that Davies could wear in private. It is sad that Davies’ wife passed away 6 years ago.

“I was 60 when it all came pouring out to my wife, she was very sympathetic and helped me all the way, but we agreed to keep it quiet,” said Davies.

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The World War II 90 Year Old Veteran Comes Out To Be A Woman

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