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5 Interesting & Intriguing Places of The World We Are Not Allowed to See


There are certain places in the world that we can visit any day any time. But still there are several places that are not allowed to be visited by anyone. There are various theorists behind them and also devilish details attached to them. Here are 5 such places we cannot visit no matter what we do.


#1 Vale do Javari Reservation, Brazil

Even today various tribes inhabit the jungles. Some of them have remained exclusively untouched by the modern world. Small wonder is that, the Vale do Javeri Reservation is such place where 14 tribes are living today. They literally dont know about the world outside. They have agriculture to serve their needs.

The truth is when the research was conducted it revealed 8 more such villages there. All of them on population scale could be around 2000.

How Could They Survive in Today’s Tech World for So Long?

For their security the authorities have taken severe steps to let them live their life their way. Is not that wonderful to sound in a world where everyone has to do someone else’s life.

3 - Vale do Javari Reservation, Brazil - Intriguing Places


#2 Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, Virginia

This greatest secret refuge for the US government is a pre-plan for any case of emergency. This place is hidden under the mountain. The center has capacity and capability to run the country from there if any such emergency condition the USA undergoes. The center has its own laws, security force and governing body that controls it.

1 Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center Virginia

#3 Club 33, New Orleans

Walt Disney the famous Hollywood name owns a club as well that was founded in 1967. The place was to be for the investors, prominent figures and rich folks only to be under one roof. No one of would ever be invited there nor would any by-passer could find even minute details about it.

The Conditions to Become A Member

If you seriously want to be part of the club you would have to wait for 14 years with some cash to be transacted around $10,450 (individual membership) and $27,500 (Companies). It does not stop here every year’s membership fee to be paid $3,275 and $6,100.

4 - Club 33, New Orleans© saptezile

#4 The magnetic island of Es Vedrà

The range of Balearic Islands, Spain has an specific island called Es Vedra. The place is believed to be home of world’s third powerful geomagnetic force. However, we know already know that the first has been The Bermuda Triangle and the third North Pole.

The truth is that the island has no such metal depositories formed from volcanic rocks. You tech gadgets wont work here and if you point your compass to a particular direction it would unbelievably keep swinging in various directions.

Besides the famous folklore about this place is horrendous. Resultantly government had to exercise a ban on all visitors. There is much more attached to the stories of this strange place that is regarded as a natural reserve by the government of Spain.

5 - The magnetic island of Es Vedrà


#5 Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

A Norwegian Island called Spitsbergen below 120 meters sea level has this tunnel built that is maintained on the temperature of -18°С. The tunnel’s microclimate being regulated through an automatic system and the humidity is also maintained being very low.

The Motive?

That is done so in order to preserve the little human world and its climatic conditions if any cataclysmic condition emerges and humanity faces a threat. In a nutshell the last help for humans and last place where the humans could survive.

2 Svalbard Global Seed Vault Norway



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5 Interesting & Intriguing Places of The World We Are Not Allowed to See

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