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10 Not So Funny Answers That Will Make You Bite Nails Being True

Sometimes it is really difficult to discern fact from fiction. Same logic applies here. These are the ten almost right answers that look stupid and not-so-real-jokes.


#10 Why Did The Girl Buy A Watermelon?

12 11

Answer: To eat

#9 How Many Electricians it Takes to Fix A Bulb?

14 11

Answer: One

#8 Why Did The Monkey Fell From The Tree?

python knp 1504b

Answer: because it was dead.

#7 What Did The Farmer Say When He Lost His Tractor

19 11

Answer: Damn! I lost my tractor.

#6 Knock Knock

18 11

Answer: Come in

#5 What is Red And Smells Like Almost A Blue Paint?

25 11

Answer: Red paint

#4 What is Brown And Sticky?

24 11

Answer: Brown stick

#3 What Would George Washington do if he Were Alive Today?

23 11

Answer: Scream on top of his lungs and scratch his coffin.

#2 What Did The Lawyer Say to The Other Lawyer?

22 10

Answer: We both are lawyers.

#1 What Did Batman Say to Robin Before Getting into The Car?

21 11

Answer: Get in the car.

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10 Not So Funny Answers That Will Make You Bite Nails Being True

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