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A Visit to The Chocolate Factory in Paris – Videos & Photos

The author of “The best Patisseries in Paris”, Sharon Henry lives in Paris and is a culinary tour guide. See these video to know how they make sweets and chocolates.

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More Info: Paris Chez Sharon

The only Chocolate Factory that creates chocolate from bean to bar

A bed of chocolate

No guys that’s not a real Lemon, this is a Lemon dessert!

No guys that's not a real Lemon, this is a Lemon dessert!!! One of the most beautiful creations of @cedricgrolet the head Pastry Chef of @lemeuriceparis ???can watch this video again and again and each time I'm impressed by this creativity. And what's inside? Different textures of lemon like lemon compote, lemon mousse and chocolate cover. Bravo Chef!

A post shared by Paris chez Sharon (@parischezsharon) on

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A Visit to The Chocolate Factory in Paris – Videos & Photos

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