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Congressional & GOP Obamacare Replacement in Doldrums – Republicans Are Opposing Republicans

WASHINGTON (AP) — “The Latest on Congress – Three Senators, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, earlier in the day dismissed the inevitable White House plan as “Obamacare Lite.”

Speaker Paul Ryan, being faced with Republican opposition, persistent that the Oval Office and Congress have been together on a unanimous plan to repeal the health care law that’ll gradually attract masses.

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photo: AP

The Republican from Wisconsin told the press on Tuesday that, “there aren’t rival plans.” But he confirmed the diversity by saying, “there will be churning” in any legislative process. He also said that eventually Republicans would become unified once again.

Three Senators, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, earlier in the day dismissed the inevitable White House plan as “Obamacare Lite” and also assured their opposition for granted.

Several House Conservatives have said they cannot support the plan that is being planned by GOP panel. Now we see three key Republicans opposition plan. Besides the announcement comes as the two major conservative coalitions in the House have come out against the affordable health care plan.

According to AP:

The opposition from conservatives greatly complicates leadership plans to pass legislation in the House before the Easter holiday that would repeal former President Barack Obama’s health law and replace it with a different system built around tax credits, expanded health savings accounts, and high-risk pools.

The Speaker of House Paul Ryan says it doesn’t concern him that President doesn’t offer more detailed plans to fulfill his lofty campaign promises because “I see him as more of a chairman.”

Ryan remarked in an interview on NBC’s “Today” show on Tuesday.

Ryan, who maintains a reputation for being a policy maker monk, was asked on the show whether Trump’s sweet-looking campaign promises are frustrating. For example, Trump’s campaigns were largely based on the promise to repeal “Obamacare” but any proposed plan for a replacement has not yet been presented. Now saying “nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”

Ryan replied that he’s not frustrated: “I see him as more of a chairman, as a president, much like many successful presidents have been, where he gets people around him who are detailed people who can execute those plans.” He also promised a renewed health care system to replace “Obamacare” cost effective for consumers and with several options for patients.

Leadership insisted on the fact that no final decisions have been made and everything is on table.

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Congressional & GOP Obamacare Replacement in Doldrums – Republicans Are Opposing Republicans

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