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Quintessential Fantasy World Crafted by Coté Velázquez

Coté Velázquez creates fantastic art that would move your soul to belong to a place you never saw before. That sense of belonging dissipates through the quintessence of these crafted pieces of art.

According to him all the models featured and the environs have been created by him. He has gone to the extent of designing their accessories and breathtaking features.

He names his models as Elara, Atalanta and Galatea.

For more info: Coté Velázquez via: ego-alterego

Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez1 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez2 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez3 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez4 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez6 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez7 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez8 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez9 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez10 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez11 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez13 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez15 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez16 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez18 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez19 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez20 Fantastic worlds created by Coté Velázquez


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Quintessential Fantasy World Crafted by Coté Velázquez

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