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Photos Revealing The Destruction Caused By Hurricane Irma

The destruction caused by Hurricane Irma is estimated to be much more than that caused by Hurricane Harvey. Hurricane Irma has destroyed 95% of Saint Martin,  Barbuda and The British Virgin Islands. The havoc created by the hurricane has disrupted the water and power supply and phone service has also come to a dead end. The people of the Bahamas and Cuba are also getting ready to face such similar destruction when the hurricane next strikes their shores. While the State of Florida has completely evacuated all its people in lieu of the destruction  brought by Hurricane Irma.

Lets take a look at the shocking photos of the destruction caused by this storm. While the people in danger are instructed to pay heed to the warnings given by the authorities.

  1. 1 People Evacuating Their Chickens

    hi 1

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Photos Revealing The Destruction Caused By Hurricane Irma

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