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This Photography Hack Will Change The Way You Take Photos

We want to look our best in photos. Being a photographer it is absolutely phenomenal to long for perfection instead of taking tipsy-turvy snaps. However, it does not happen most of the time due to various reasons.

Imagine your flash is creating a problem when the bulb or any other light emitting source is exactly right infront of your flash and the place is immovable. The photos never get well then.

Russian photographer brothers “Koldunov Brothers” have invented a unique and cost effective way to get rid of such problems. Their trick help us to reduce the weight and cost of accessories. That could be beneficial for professional photographers as well as the everyone who wants to take a picture. via

Lets See How


Get a balloon and fill it with air


#2 Hold The Balloon Against The Flashlight of Your Camera


Note: You can use variety of balloons!

#3 No Problem For A Landscape Photo


#4 Compatibility For A Portrait is Awesome


#5 It Beautifies All Your Photos

Lets See A Video TO Master The Art



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This Photography Hack Will Change The Way You Take Photos

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