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What it is Like Being A Child-Bride in Georgia These Photos Reveal The Story

Although the legal age to get married in Georgia, Caucasus is 18, still the tradition of getting girls married at a young age is practiced. Italian photographer Myriam Meloni and her teammate journalist Elena Ledda went on a journey to interview and photograph some of the many young brides.

#1 Megi, 16, taking care of her newborn toddler in the house she shares with her husband and parents-in-law. Batumi, Adjara region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)


#2 A bridal shop where a latest bridal dress is featured in the town of Marneuli. (Myriam Meloni)
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#3 Tamuna is performing a traditional Georgian dance in her parents’ home. Her in-laws prohibit her from dancing may be part of a ritual. She was bound to flee her husband and return to her family’s home. She pressed charges against her husband for mistreating her and she hopes to get some money to help her live decently. Kvemo Kartli region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)
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#4 A sanctuary in the vicinity where women would often come to express their desire to get pregnant. Imereti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

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#5 Ia with her baby. She was married at the age of 17. Siktarva, Imereti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)
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#6 Eggs. The young brides must have babies in the first few years of their marriage. Siktarva, Imereti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)
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#7 Megi 16, is with her husband. She married him when she was 15, after talking with her future husband via chat for three months. Batumi, Adjara region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)
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#8 Child marriage is a complex phenomenon that affects boys and girls differently. Overall, the number of boys in child marriages around the world is significantly lower than that of girls. The existing data in Georgia, shows that up to 17 percent of Georgian women were married before the age of 18. (Myriam Meloni)

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#9 A young girl hides behind hanging blankets. Kikhani, Kvemo Kartli region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

#10 Bows used as a decoration at the entrance. According to tradition, the pink or red bows indicate that there is a newly engaged girl in the house. Iormughanlo, Kakheti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

#11 Maca, 17, got married when she was 16 years old.She is the mother of a 6-month-old child and is now once again pregnant. Like most of the young brides, she became pregnant immediately after getting married. Pankisi Gorge, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)


#12 Pumpkins placed in Naila’s house. Naila is now 21. she was married at the age of 16 and is the mother of a 5-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old son. (Myriam Meloni)

#13 Megi, is preparing tea. She is 16, had her first child at the age of 15. Batumi, Adjara region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

#14 Video of Ia’s marriage. She was married at the age of 17. (Myriam Meloni)

#15 Women pray in Orthodox church. Kakheti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

#16 A carpet edged with a portrait of a married couple. Kakheti region, Georgia,. (Myriam Meloni)

#17 Samaia, 17. She was engaged at the age of 16 to a man she met just once. Kakheti region, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

#18 An empty classroom of the village Dzevri show the consequences of child marriage,that is many girls get drop out of school. (Myriam Meloni)

#19 Girls chatting in the patio of a school in the Azeri village of Iormuganlo. (Myriam Meloni)

#20 Madina was married at the age of 16. Pankisi Gorge, Georgia. (Myriam Meloni)

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What it is Like Being A Child-Bride in Georgia These Photos Reveal The Story

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