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Khloe & Kim Kardashian Speak Out About Muslim Ban

Khloe wrote “All of this in the news today breaks my heart.”

Kim Kardashian and Khloe spoke about Donald Trump’s Muslim ban last Saturday while taking a break from Costa Rica Vacation.

via: twitter

1485701624923image: foxnews

Besides, “The Revenge Body, host retweeted the ACLU official account that portrayed through a shared photo saying, “ACLU blocks Trump’s unconstituotional Muslim ban.”

Before Khloe and Kim making any statement regarding the ban shared their vacation clips on snapchat.

via: twitter

Regarding her workout sessions, Kim K said”

“I never Snapchat my workouts, just because… I don’t know why — I’m just not Kourtney and Khloe, but it’s like, if I don’t Snap it, then it’s as if it never happened. But I work out every single day for over an hour.”

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Khloe & Kim Kardashian Speak Out About Muslim Ban

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