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Almost 10 Million People Will Lose Insurance Under Republican’s Obamacare Replacement But It’d Be Affordable Says S&P

A new report suggests that if the Republican proposal for replacement of Obamacare becomes a law between 6 million to 10 million would lose health cover.

Those who gained Obamacare insurance coverage in the past few years are about 20 million and almost half of it would lose it.

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S&P Gloabal Ratings released the estimate on Tuesday, just in a day the ACA replacement was released by House GOP administration. They also said if the Bill gets approved, the number of individual insurers will also decline between 2 to 4 million individual insurance applicants.


According to the report after 2020 to 2024 the nation’s Medicaid system will lose 4 million to 6 million people who would have gained individual insurance plan.

On the contrary, the insurers “will likely improve,” the company claimed and pointed to the replacement “can result in an improved risk pool in the individual market.”

Besides, the replacement would financially make the plan affordable for the young adults and senior citizens.

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Annalise Kaylor | NurPhoto | Getty Images

“large difference between states both in terms of insured rates, and benefits covered by insurance plans.” the same report also says that.

It is also a fact that Obamacare supporters and Democrats would make efforts and use this data to defeat Republican plan. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has also to scrutinized the plan that would analyze all the data and its effects on the people.

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Almost 10 Million People Will Lose Insurance Under Republican’s Obamacare Replacement But It’d Be Affordable Says S&P

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