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Obamacare Replacement Bill by Republicans is Trolled And Memed by Internet

On Mondaynight, Obamacare replacement was presented by the Republicans and it looks like a little less than expectations as it curtails funding to planned parenthood and restricts abortion, folds the Medicaid expansion, and allows applicants jacking up 30% premium if the coverage lapse is found. The startling thing is that the CEOs are given a big tax cut that helps them make more than $500,000 and a weird but specific ban has been slammed on lottery winners for getting Medicaid.

It is needless to say that people were not impressed much with the replacement and they responded on twitter with the mostly used tool –memes to express their opinion.

The Democrats disagree with few factors and hate it, some conservatives are of the opinion that it is very generous, and it is still unclear and has not been revealed by Republicans yet, how much it will cost, the chances are still that the bill might get rejected a pass.

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Obamacare Replacement Bill by Republicans is Trolled And Memed by Internet

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