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40 Tons Whale Jumps Off The Water

This video featuring giant whale depicting a 40 tons whale jumping off the water has got internet sharing the video on social media. Craig Capehart captured the video. Here is what he says, 

"It was a rare clear, crisp, cold, winter day offshore Mbotyi in Pondoland, Eastern Cape province, South Africa (formerly Transkei).

The seas were unusually calm that day on the Indian Ocean. That wouldn't last long, soon returning to howling winds, whitecap waves, and giant swells! Did I mention it was cold - on land, at sea, and in the water?!

We are four SCUBA divers in a small "rubber duck" inflatable boat with two powerful 110 hp four stroke outboard motors. Clive is captain, Carlos is divemaster, and Levi is deckhand.

We are hunting for sardines. It is the annual world famous "South African Sardine Run", a mass migration of pilchard fish up the east coast of Africa.

Actually, we are not interested in the sardines but rather the predators they attract. Hungry bottlenose and common dolphins herd the long line of small sardines into compact groups called "bait balls". Once a ball is formed, a feeding frenzy ensues. Dolphins, sharks, and birds feast on the dense pack of small fish.

An ultralight airplane is overhead, looking for the action. Sightings are radioed to us and off we go at breakneck speed, hoping to record some real action."


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40 Tons Whale Jumps Off The Water

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