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15 Top Luxury Holiday Destinations We Wish To Visit

Now it is holiday season, we have been thinking of all the beautiful places we wish we could visit.

We have dreamt big and found some of the most elite and luxury destinations on the planet that look truly amazing. We apologise in advance for giving you holiday blues!

  1. 1 Cocoa Island, Maldives

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    This sun kissed island has accommodation built over the clear aqua waters all connected to the board walk onto the small island. This holiday destination is as tranquil and calming as it gets. The cliché blue skies, clear sea and white sand describes Cocoa Island perfectly.

  2. 2 Mantangi Private Islands, Fiji

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    Upgrade your summer retreat and head over to Fiji. Made up of 332 islands, Fiji is the go to destination to soak up the sun in the calm with stunning views. This island in particular is famous for a luxury tree house that includes a lava rock shower, outdoor Jacuzzi.

  3. 3 Musha Cay, The Bahamas

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    Musha Cay is part of a luxury collection of islands that are availbel to privately hire, yes you heard right, in order to go you have to hire the entire island. With a capacity of upto 24 guests, you can enjoy your luxury holiday with your nearest and dearest.

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15 Top Luxury Holiday Destinations We Wish To Visit

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