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12 My Worst Date Tweets That Are Funny & Show True Love is Really Dead

Jimmy Fallon on last night’s Tonight Show, read various funny tweets from his new selected hashtags #MyWorstDate. They were way too much hilarious.

Here are 12 of the epic ones

#1 Unexpected dating break

#2 Watering schedules on a date, really?

#3 This is totally insane

#4 Oops!

#5 Cat ruined it!

#6 Mark you did it again!

#7 Thanks Grandma!

#8 Being a single many times!

#9 This one is epic worst!

#10 More or less a date?

#11 Seriously?

#12 Uses of a screwdriver on a date.

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12 My Worst Date Tweets That Are Funny & Show True Love is Really Dead

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