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This Photo of Former VP Joe Biden Meeting a Puppy Will Make You Smile

Washington DC- Former, VP Joe Biden was about to address outside the Capital Building among present were House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Chuck Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, a crowd of viewers and a special guest-Biden the golden retriever.

The 4-month-old retriever was named after the former Vice President finally met his namesake and his owner, Sydney, has been a die-hard fan of former VP.


“As soon as he saw the dog during the actual speech, he pointed at the dog, tapped his friend and then started like cracking up,” Sydney told Buzzfeed. She said she signaled to him towards the end of speech, and he came over after making his remarks.

“As soon as I told him his name was Biden, he started kissing the dog, which is like exactly what I expected Biden would do,” she added. And that’s when he showered his love:

“As soon as I told him, his face lit up,” Sydney further said. She got lucky enough to get a selfie, squeezed between both the two Bidens.

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This Photo of Former VP Joe Biden Meeting a Puppy Will Make You Smile

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