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The Pineapple Was Left in An Exhibition & Visitors Thought it Was An Art Piece

For centuries humans have expressed themselves, be that ideas, landscapes or plain abstract, through art. The artists likes of Michaelangelo, Pablo Picasso or the Mexican madame Frieda Kahlo, all have used this definite method to present their way of seeing things through a unique parlance of art.

pineapple art
Photo: VT

Through the centuries, we have respected art in all forms. Ruairi Gray, a loving soul, bought a pineapple for £1. Ruairi with other friends, just for fun, placed it in the middle of “Look Around” exhibition that solely aims at looking around places and spaces with rather fresh eyes.


When he visited Look Around after a few days, he found his pineapple at the center of exhibition hall. Not only that, in was placed in a glass case. The story did not end there, whoever was around, trying to figure out the philosophy and art about it. Some artists made speculations too.

Photo: VT

I came in later and it had been put in a glass case – it’s the funniest thing that has happened all year. My honours supervisor saw it and asked an art lecturer if it was real because he could not believe it.’ He apparently replied: “Of course it’s real, you can see what they were trying to do with the top of the pineapple and the glass.”

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Photo: VT

Lloyd Jack, Ruairi’s friend says they had bought it for other prank. Since it did not go well they found the place for this one.


“Well originally my friend Ruairi Gray bought it as a joke for one of friends who is allergic to pineapples, but after he didn’t find the joke funny in the slightest we didn’t really know what to do with it. So walking past the festival we placed it next to some exhibits to see how long it would stay before someone took it, next thing we know it’s been placed in a glass case and we couldn’t believe it.”

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Photo: VT

Eventually the Exhibition management came to realize that the main attraction of the event is actually a pineapple and it is a prank. Seeing the curiosity of the visitors they did not remove it. Besides, Ruairi is a business student and his lifetime art knowledge he has summed up:

“As the pineapple decayed over time it represents the inevitable breakdown of all life. F*** knows.”

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The Pineapple Was Left in An Exhibition & Visitors Thought it Was An Art Piece

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