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The Rise of Women Through The Eyes of 103-Year-Old Late Ruline Steininger

At 103, Ruline Steininger had such energy and vibrancy all should aspire to. She lived the most cherished life. She had been through the major historic events the world underwent such as World War I, Word War II, The Cold War Era between the U.S. and Russia.

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What tops all is she had seen, observed and adored the ascension of a woman from a mediocre domesticated character to a claimant to a presidential respected seat.

What we love about her is that she says it all in her own words. And it is really amazing to see her speak at the age of 103.maxresdefault 1

Ruline Steininger, the centenarian Hillary Clinton supporter that believed she was “going to live until [Clinton’s] elected”, died on 31 January at the age of 103. She was from Iowa who was born in 1913, seven years before women in the US were legally able to vote, her daughter-in-law told CNN.

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The Rise of Women Through The Eyes of 103-Year-Old Late Ruline Steininger

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