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These People Seem Celebrating Sadness by Solemn Solitude

The solitude does not always mean being left alone or feeling introversion. It also mean being to ones ownself. There are many people specially the artists they like it that way. They seem to enjoy the eternal harmony and peace of mind too.

Solitude means the state of mind to concentrate on a singular goal. The concentration may does not vary or even the person is in the crowd still feels to be with himself alone and sometimes soliloquy.

See some of the solitude images

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.

We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers.

 -Henry David Thoreau

Mono No Aware by MARX77


Solitude by fuxs


Looking into Emptiness

Emptiness by Ajzatsana

In the shadow by Ajzatsana


Angel at the Bus Stop By myraincheck

Angel at the Bus Stop by myraincheck

Batsceba’s Disturbing Waiting

Disturbing Waiting by Batsceba

Blackmamba’s Expression of Solitude

The solitude... by Blakk-mamba

RezzanATAKOL’s Some Souls Love Loneliness

Some souls loves loneliness by RezzanATAKOL

Some More Images That Portray The Loneliness and Solitude

Loneliness by Blakk-mamba

Solitude by MARX77


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These People Seem Celebrating Sadness by Solemn Solitude

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