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Hilarious Wrong Answers Found in Kids’ Answersheets Reveal How Cutely Creative Kids Could Be

Sometimes, children find it very difficult to discern the right meaning of a question asked. They face comprehension issues too. If the examiner asks them a tricky question the answers, they write in answer sheets, are quite amusing, especially when they are perturbed.

Here are some of the pictures that show hilarious answers written by the kids during their exams. These were submitted by the teachers and parents online. These show a great difference when the kids try to be creative specially when they have completely misunderstood the question.

When our beloved kids are creative they look smarter than us in their own way.

#This Student’s Answer is Straight One

1 2

# Never Underestimate The Brain-Power of A Kid, There is Always More to Everything Than That Meets The Eye

2 5

# You’d Have Never Located “X” This Way.

3 5

#Is Only Math in The World? There is METH Too

4 5

#This Kid Has Tried His Best To Secure More Marks– Oops “A Mark?”

5 4

#China Got Brains And Hitler Friends- Though Some Kids

6 5

# There Could Have Been Some Uses of Dinosaurs As Well- This Kid Has Found Them Through Meditation

7 3

# Now This Kid Was Not Wrong Actually The Answer Was Misunderstood Completely.

8 3

# A Pablo Picasso in Making

9 3

More infot: (h/t)

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Hilarious Wrong Answers Found in Kids’ Answersheets Reveal How Cutely Creative Kids Could Be

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