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Here Are 9 Of The Most Terrifying Creatures Alive On This Planet Today

We share our planet with lots of wonderful animals, from loyal pets and cute farmyard favourites, to majestic birds, graceful mammals and colourful marine life.

We share our planet with lots of wonderful animals, from loyal pets and cute farmyard favourites, to majestic birds, graceful mammals and colourful marine life. But, we also share our planet with some not so pleasant animals, some that are quite scary and downright terrifying, the sort you wouldn’t want living anywhere near you.

  1. Here Are 9 Of The Most Terrifying Creatures Alive On This Planet Today 1


    As its name suggests, the vampire bat feeds on blood. Colonies of vampire bats have been known to feed on livestock such as horses and cattle, while there have been some reports of humans being bitten by these rabies-carrying bats as well.

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Here Are 9 Of The Most Terrifying Creatures Alive On This Planet Today

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