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The Expression of Splendid & Intuitive Nature Through Surreal Exhibits

The Indian intuitive artist Svabhu Kohli’s work of art is focused on expressing nature through his illustrative masterpieces. He takes our mind to a dreamy world of imagination that refines nature being the beacon of love and a beautiful ecological magnet composed of colours. Most of his works justify his unfailing love for nature and its various aspects.

His visual treats almost tell stories that abound natural phenomenon instead. Lets crawl into his own expressive world of dreams that is filled with splendid colors.

13827449 1264522140249411 202895522 n 14072896 149744502133811 1492308564 n 14276510 579732808893900 1328943677 n 14295330 1867647496797416 5938907182920630272 n 14533722 1073669782729675 2791396496614883328 n 14592046 1752632638322573 4643949834229776384 n 14701233 313657532335671 4166577318929629184 n 14719587 534939416704577 2614772413312794624 n 15047985 323813731319429 8453006503413022720 n

Instagram via MMM


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The Expression of Splendid & Intuitive Nature Through Surreal Exhibits

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