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Barrier Transfer Machines – A Needful Solution During Traffic Hours

Barrier transfer machines or road zipper machines  or simply road zippers are the exceptionally well equipped massive vehicles used to move concrete lanes and blocks. Their useful could be seen during the rush hours. You can see the example jersey barriers.

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They are being used across the world for moving heavy road-blockers and concrete movement during the congested traffic hours. They can save the vehicle collisions during the traffic congestion in a better way as compared to other solutions.

They are permanently in operation, these road zippers are performing well in these countries such as New Zealand in Auckland, Canada in Montreal, in many major States road zippers being used such as New York Metropolitan Area and Golden Gate Bridge.

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Photo credit: peretzp via Visual hunt / CC BY-SA


They have been in use for centuries. source


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Barrier Transfer Machines – A Needful Solution During Traffic Hours

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