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This Artist Got A Lot More Talent Than it Looks in The Pictures

Aftyn Shah has taught herself the art of paper printing and paper-cutting. She has been painting and doodling since school and college days. She has been to government work and strategy consulting in Washington, DC.

Her artistic pulse got rejuvenated when she moved to S. Loius with her family. She started the platform Rise + Wander  for her art creating excursions that was initially aimed to keep herself moving but the spark got a massive response from public.

More Info: RW

The Art Process to Create The Unique Pieces – The Process

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Some of Afyn Shah’s works

13628429 1574166622885372 946221865 n 13686821 1721658411427707 1942107191 n  13687172 535174570019206 1661500420 n 13734323 284504045242071 232743366 n 13768248 857479154355999 1359149732 n 14128746 688889481258968 1700575145 n 14693909 1284277298301133 2502295169815019520 n 15048162 334292196948690 7786620959976325120 n 15306674 1372919782720841 1969422017669103616 n 15876942 1293732774025034 8730005724769288192 n 15877493 408669339476181 4045888647717715968 n


Roman Payne’s written piece about wandering moved her to keep discovering the newness element and find beauty in everything. It is this one:

“Wandering is the activity of the child, the passion of the genius; it is the discovery of the self, the discovery of the outside world, and the learning of how the self is both ‘at one with’ and ‘separate from’ the outside world. These discoveries are as fundamental to the soul as ‘learning to survive’ is fundamental to the body. These discoveries are essential to realizing what it means to be human. To wander is to be alive.”

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This Artist Got A Lot More Talent Than it Looks in The Pictures

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