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This Kid’s Favorite Restaurant is Also His Father’s Favorite Bar

ALDINE, TX— Joshua Behr, a 7-year-old told the reporters yesterday, “Gordo’s” that is his father’s favorite bar had been his favorite restaurant. “They have the best food in the world, and I always say I want to go there whenever Dad takes us out to eat” Behr said.

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It is the same Pub his father liked for beer-and-a-shot specials. Besides, it has large-size TVs that show various sporting events and adorn it with multiplicity.

“They have pinball too, and you can even get free popcorn from a machine with a scooper. I definitely want to have my birthday there this year.” Behr went on to say that he particularly loved to be at Gordo’s on special events like “Chicken Tender Tuesdays.”

Behr was absolutely unaware of the fact that ‘it was the night Heather tends bar too.’

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This Kid’s Favorite Restaurant is Also His Father’s Favorite Bar

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