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LGBT Protest Outside Trump International Hotel D.C. That Did Not Go Well

Washington D.C. – The LGBT organizers called for a protest outside Trump International Hotel on Sunday just few blocks from the White House in D.C. The protest seemed rather an out-house party that could muster 2 dozen participants and photographed by the same number of photographers.


A little crowd, as that was, kept dancing to the music and kissing, held signs whereas, more than that number of photographers captured the very moments of the meager protest, that lacked the unanimous agenda and cohesion.

As Reuters had reported weeks ago about LGBT:

Advocates said on Tuesday they were bracing for a Trump administration rollback of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, despite a White House statement vowing to uphold protection for LGBT people in the workplace.U.S. President Donald Trump will continue to enforce a 2014 executive order by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, barring discrimination against LGBT people working for federal contractors, the White House said.

The statement marked a break with the Republican Party’s traditional stance, but advocates said they feared Trump could still take executive actions allowing discrimination under the guise of religious exemptions.

Fears as such should not have taken place on the first place. Since Trump had been promising to protect the rights of all minorities. He had a gay business leader Peter Thiel (co-founder PayPal) who spoke at GOP’s 2016 conference. He was a very active participant of Trump team.

His speech started as:

“I am proud to be gay. I am proud to be a Republican. But most of all I am proud to be an American,”.

“When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom,” Thiel added, referring to conservatives’ push to block transgender individuals from using the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. “This is a distraction from our real problems. Who cares?”

However, during the election campaign Donald Trump said that he would have no problems if transgender Caitlyn Jenner formerly Bruce using any of bathrooms at Trump Tower.


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LGBT Protest Outside Trump International Hotel D.C. That Did Not Go Well

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