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8 Most Popular Cats on Internet & The Reasons Make Them Even Adorable

 Due to their extra-ordinary qualities these cats have become famous on the inter-net.

  1. 1 The Kitty With World's Longest Tail

    ceq 1

    This one year old Miane Coon weighs 15 lbs. He has a rather long tail which keeps on growing and becoming fluffier. "His tail is currently about 18.4 inches long (if you count his fluff, it's like 24) measured from the tail base to the end of actual skin," said Dr. Will Powers, a family physician in Michigan.

    Don't expect him to lose the top position because he is still growing and the tail will ofcourse grow with him.

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8 Most Popular Cats on Internet & The Reasons Make Them Even Adorable

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