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This Teen Reveals How Anyone Can Fly First Class For Free Every Time

Air travel is one of the greatest attractions and luxuries of our modern day life. Only if you have this phobia of height, it will undoubtedly mar the luxurious feel you get from air travel.

Air travel is a great luxury but travelling first class is undoubtedly the crowning glory. Though it will be quite expensive but after experiencing the level of comfort and the excellent service you get there,few would call it an unnecessary expense.


While travelling mostly people keep their budgets in mind and therefore travel in such conditions that are pretty undesirable. So won’t it be great if there was some way in which we could enjoy travel and this experience would be light on our pocket too.

Well a 17 year old thinks he has come up with exactly such a thing, and now he wants to share his experience with us all.


Zac George has been flying first class at very low rates. Talking to he says,”Since I was 13 or 14 I had been absolutely obssesed with flying and I was flying on the week ends just from Brisbane to Sydney to take photos of air craft”.

This hobby proved to be quite expensive and so the boy came up with an intelligent plan. He started paying for his air travel through the flyer points he gathered on his credit cards.


Zac George has converted his new found money saving exploits into a career doind write ups on the various deals the travel companies offer.


Now the youngster has signed up for as many loyalty programs as possible and has at least ten credit cards in his and his parent’s name. “Virgin Australia currently has a billion points giveaway where you get 15% more points for converting eligible credit cards and fly-buys to velocity points”he said.


Now not only has George made his dream come true but he has also helped his parents who have to fly frequently to attend conferences, in connection to their medical company.

Qatar Airways also presents a wonderful double-bed option for business class passengers.

(h/t: Viral Thread)

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This Teen Reveals How Anyone Can Fly First Class For Free Every Time

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