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Steph Smith: Trump Avoiding Russia Issue As If We Are Some Kind of Fools ‘NO SIR’

Fox News anchor Shepard Smith angers Trump supporters by attacking him for derailing Russia issue and attacking media.

shepard smith fox news

Although Fox News has been lauded many times by the President specially two of its stars Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly for coverage and support.

Last week on Thursday, when Trump refreshed his attack on Media, Fox News’ Steph Smith stepped in to defend the rival TV channels.

Steph Smith describing White House Correspondent of CNN, Jim Acosta to be a “good reporter” said, “It’s crazy what we are watching every day.”

“It’s absolutely crazy. He keeps repeating ridiculous, throwaway lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we’re some kind of fools for asking the question. Really? Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and your people were on the phone with Russia on the same day it was happening and we’re fools for asking the questions? No sir.”

“We have a right to know,” Smith added. “You call us fake news and put us down like children for asking questions on behalf of the American people.”

However, Smith had been severely criticized by the Republicans.

Some viewers got riled by Smith’s comments just like when Megyn Kelly had angered social media when she criticized Trump.

“BOYCOTT Shepard Smith on FOX News. FOX News, please dump Shepard Smith. He’s ruining your newscast. Signed, “We The People”,” @ChiappiJr tweeted.

@JonCuttingMAGA, tweeted “Shepard Smith should be fired. Left are professional victims. Offending them comes w/ the territory. #Trump gets it. Stay offensive#MAGA.”

Likening him to Kelly, @TEN_GOP tweeted: “Shepard Smith becomes new Megyn Kelly. RT if you’d like to see Fox News get rid of him.”

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Steph Smith: Trump Avoiding Russia Issue As If We Are Some Kind of Fools ‘NO SIR’

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