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Million in UK Signing Petition to Stop Trump’s Official Visit Post Trump’s Executive Order

A petition is signed in UK to stop US President Donald Trump’s official UK visit and has been affirmed by more than a million signatures.

The signatory number has been rapidly rising since Trump’s Muslim ban including refugees that has caused the anger globally.

UK PM Theresa May had announced the visit while she visited US recently. However, Labour Party’s Jeremy Corbyn had urged the PM to at least postpone the visit previously. The petition has gotten so much momentum that it has become second popular on the government website. Theresa May shall discuss the matter on Tuesday.

The statement reads as,

 “Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State Visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.”


Last Friday, President Trump had signed an executive order that halts American refugee programme for 120 days and bans immigrant entry from seven major countries including Syrian refugees.

Donald trump 630387

Image The Express UK

On Saturday, the petition had been signed by just 60 people but crossed the required 100,000 needed to be considered for debate by the UK Parliament just after Sunday noon.

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Million in UK Signing Petition to Stop Trump’s Official Visit Post Trump’s Executive Order

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