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GOP Senator Calls on Trump To Disclose Tax Documents ‘Keep Promise’

Oklahoma Senator James Lankford (R) has joined calls to President Trump for releasing his tax returns, saying Trump should “keep his promise.”

trump taxes

“[Trump] promised he would,” Lankford said at a town hall Tuesday night in Claremore, Okla. According to Tulsa World when he was asked whether Trump should reveal his Tax returns or not.

“He should keep his promise,” he added.

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However, the “Calls for president Trump to disclose his tax returns” had been a constant slogan as well during his presidential campaign and this week the momentum touched its peak as Tuesday being a Tax Day.

Last Saturday, the thousands of marchers took to the streets and demanded that Trump should release his tax returns. On Tuesday, the legislators also called on president Trump to disclose his tax documents.


It is a recorded fact that Trump in 2014 and 2015 promised he would disclose his all tax returns but now walks back and claims that an audit is preventing him from sharing the tax documents with the public.

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GOP Senator Calls on Trump To Disclose Tax Documents ‘Keep Promise’

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