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Best 20 Comics of 2016

Here is the list of 20 popular comic titles that were very well appreciated by the fans. The new year has arrived and it is the time to see which titles were very well received.

The comic books being simply witty have their own expert lot of fans of that keep a rapt attention on the new comings and what is hot and running.

Lets Have A Look at The Titles


20. The Spire (BOOM! Studios)

Image result for 20. The Spire (BOOM! Studios)

19. Midnighter and Apollo (DC Comics)

Image result for Midnighter and Apollo (DC Comics)

18. Carver: A Paris Story (Z2 Comics)

Image result for 18. Carver: A Paris Story (Z2 Comics)

17. Mockingbird (Marvel Comics)

Image result for 17. Mockingbird (Marvel Comics)

16. Black Hammer (Dark Horse Comics)

Image result for 16. Black Hammer (Dark Horse Comics)

15. The Tipping Point (Humanoids)

Image result for 15. The Tipping Point (Humanoids) tumblr

14. Deathstroke (DC Comics)

Image result for 14. Deathstroke (DC Comics) tumblr

13. Power Man and Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)

Image result for 13. Power Man and Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)

12. 4001 A. D. (Valiant Comics)

Image result for 12. 4001 A. D. (Valiant Comics)

11. Black Science (Image Comics)

Image result for 11. Black Science (Image Comics)

10. The Nameless City (First Second)

Image result for 10. The Nameless City (First Second)

9. Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics)

Image result for 9. Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics)

8. The Omega Men (DC Comics)

Image result for 8. The Omega Men (DC Comics)

7. The Sheriff of Babylon (Vertigo Comics)

Image result for 7. The Sheriff of Babylon (Vertigo Comics)

6. 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank (Black Mask Studios)

Image result for 6. 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank (Black Mask Studios)

5. Saga (Image Comics)

Image result for 5. Saga (Image Comics)

4. Copra Round Four (Bergen Street Press)

Image result for 4. Copra Round Four (Bergen Street Press)

3. The Flintstones (DC Comics)

Image result for 3. The Flintstones (DC Comics)

2. The Vision (Marvel Comics)

Related image

1. March Book Three (Top Shelf Productions)

Image result for 1. March Book Three (Top Shelf Productions)

These comics were very well received according to their sales and statistics. There was an influx of fans that kept the world of internet busying whilst sharing their favorite comic icons.


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Best 20 Comics of 2016

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