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Worth The Wait Was NY Subway Construction – It Shows Unique Artistry

Second Avenue Subway Features Awesome Art Work 

Here is the look see how cool it looks. The work is still going on but whatever has been shown through pictures is awesome source NYTs

second avenue subway NYCFlickr/MTA

New Yorkers will finally get a chance to ride on the long-awaited Second Avenue subway at the start of the new year.

The Second Avenue subway line is a three-stop extension of the Q train. Starting in 2017, the line will travel beyond Lexington Avenue and 63rd Street to service new stations at 72nd, 86th, and 96th Streets.

The New Yorkers would finally enjoy the new and improved and most awaited Second Avenue Subway.

The grand opening marks the first phase of the Second Avenue subway line extension. The second phase will extend the Q an additional three stops, to 125th Street in Harlem, but that won't come for a number of years.

It really looks worth the wait. The first phase was to be opened on January 1 and the other parts very soon to be given access to the people.

The new subway line is expected to service 200,000 riders every day.

The art work is done by the brilliant artists. Have a look at these photos how beautiful it looks.


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Worth The Wait Was NY Subway Construction – It Shows Unique Artistry

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