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20 Unknown Harry Potter Facts That Will Knock Your Wits Off

Through her Harry Potter 7c40a761bca5e889cfa587d7c8480255 1novels later turned into a series of Harry Potter movies J.K Rowling has brought to us a world of wonder, magic, adventure and friendship. A lot of hard work and effort has gone into making those scenes as close to reality as possible. There are some amazing and unbelievable facts, behind the scenes, this added a lot of charm to the film’s landscape, making it all the more enchanting and wonderful.

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  1. After the release of the first Harry Potter movie there was a change in the labor laws as all the leading actors were minors. Thus they were given a small number of working hours and classes were made available on the sets.

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  1. The candles floating in the air, above the dining table were all real and suspended with wires.

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  1. The actress who played Moaning Myrtle, was 37 years old during the second film.

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  1. Throughout the eight films, Daniel Radcliffe used about 160 pairs of glasses.

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  1. Harry Potter’s eyes had to be green but Radcliffe’s eyes reacted so badly to the artificial lenses that he had to continue with his natural eye colour.

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  1. It took 950 special effects for the specific ‘Veil Room’ scene, making it a record scene in the entire series.

PottHarry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is the heart of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, an expansive new environment at Universal Orlando Resort that will bring the world of Harry Potter to life. This all new adventure combines a powerful storyline with spectacular new technology so effectively that guests will be completely immersed in the experience. Film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and others shot an exclusive piece of film just for the ride. Guests can experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey when The Wizarding World of Harry Potter grand opens on June 18.

  1. It took five big warehouses to accommodate all the sets used in all the Harry Potter series.

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  1. All the stair cases seen in the castle were in fact digitally created from one single stair case.

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  1. All the books of magic and wisdom were in fact old phone books, covered in leather and given a dusty appearance.

harry potter play jk rowling

  1. Students were shown passing through walls, this was all made possible through the use of 300 fibre optic lighting, fixed in the model.

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  1. All the food seen in the great hall scenes was 100% real but the only problem was that the food went bad easily.

Harry Potter Saga

  1. Although Harry was referred to as a great wizard but was not seen casting a single spell throughout the movie.
Movies TV Harry Potter the Order of the Pheonix 2007 Behind The Scenes tom felton 13071771 400 291
*WORLD RIGHTS* Actors and crew on the set ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’, filming scenes for the fifth insalment of the wizard fantasy. In the photos we can faces old and new including England rugby star Martin Bayfield as Rubeus Hagrid. The 6-foot-10, 280-pound player is acting as a double for Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid in certain scenes to suggest the Keeper of the Key’s great height and bulk. UK. 02/08/07
  1. In a ball-scene Harry was shown dancing from the waist up to avoid showing his fumbling feet. Mainly due to the fact that he didn’t get enough time for his dance practice due to his heavy filming schedule.

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  1. Daniel’s eyes had to be digitally altered in the possession scene as he couldn’t wear contacts.

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  1. Filming the “Seven Harry’s” scene was really very difficult as Harry had to do more than 90 takes for that single shot.

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  1. The role of Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies has been played by six different actors.
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey is the heart of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, an expansive new environment at Universal Orlando Resort that will bring the world of Harry Potter to life. This all new adventure combines a powerful storyline with spectacular new technology so effectively that guests will be completely immersed in the experience. Film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and others shot an exclusive piece of film just for the ride. Guests can experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey when The Wizarding World of Harry Potter grand opens on June 18.

  1. The author’J.K. Rowling was the first billionaire author in the world.

  1. When filming a certain scene a fruit bat got stuck in Hagrid’s beard.

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  1. The film has made 588 separate sets and the biggest among them was ‘the Ministry of Magic’.

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20. Out of 300 kids who tested for Harry Potter, Radcliffe was selected by the director. Chris was impressed by Radcliffe’s funny and curious personality, Radcliffe was both sweet and gentle but at the same time there was a hunger for knowledge in him.






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20 Unknown Harry Potter Facts That Will Knock Your Wits Off

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