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Would You Dismantle Your Kitchen to Fix An Oven? This is Why You Should Not DIY on Occasions Like Easter – Easter Fails

This weekend was longest as Easter celebrations were held across the world. There are many people who always attempt to manually fix and garnish their homes.

Those who chose “Do It Yourself” then gradually they realized they should have invited a professional instead.

There are several photos that show on an occasion like Easter or any other such event some of them have shared the picture that show loopholes. For example the drawers that would not open because the edge sits behind a wall.

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Such a Kitchen nightmare: After the DIY efforts of four days, when the right time comes oven fails to perform. You can see for the sake of fixing an oven the whole kitchen is a mess.


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The owner that happens to be a woman tried to fix the floorboard before covering it under the carpet. The DIY results is a nightmare. 

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Fixing this simple thing turned out to be very difficult and challenging. Has it been fixed?

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The final shape of a DIY project on Easter.


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This DIY enthusiast thought the door would perfectly shut. Alas! that 2 inch gap ruined the perfection that needed to be checked before sawing it. 

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This family has finally to wrap up DIY job, and clean the mess.
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This U-bend is held by the plates that finally exhausted the DIY enthusiast. 

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 This toilet could have been fixed in a better way. 

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Crate work: Having a versatile work station for those who would like to work standing up. Although alterations can be quite expensive in such cases- very cheap alteration.

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The worst DIY fix probably. How you will open this.

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Would You Dismantle Your Kitchen to Fix An Oven? This is Why You Should Not DIY on Occasions Like Easter – Easter Fails

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