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Second Grader Writes A Heartbreaking Message to Betsy DeVos Not To Tear Her School

It is rightly said that we should not ignore children and listen to them even if they mean nothing. Willia Kohn, the second grade student was so concerned about the fate of her public school where she studies that she decided to write to the Education Secretary. Out of concern, she wrote a heartbreaking message to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and tells her how she loves her school.

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Daughter of CNN commentator Sally Kohn, Willia got a postcard out of a Brooklyn store during Women’s March and went on to send it to the “woman in-charge of education.”

Our friend @dianakane had a party this evening for a new art show in her store of pictures from the @womenmarch. And she had a postcard station too. Willa wanted to send a postcard to "the woman in charge of education." So she did. Here's what she wrote. FYI I don't like the "daughter of Sally Kohn" part but am so into the rest of it. I ❤ my kid! And we ❤ our public school!

A post shared by Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) on

“I love my public school. It is the place I’ve been in this school for four years,” she wrote before asking DeVos not to “tear it down.”

“I love schools and I love everything about it,” the 8-year-old wrote before saying goodbye, “From Willa daughter of Sally Kohn.”

“FYI I don’t like the ‘daughter of Sally Kohn’ part,” the CNN commentator Sally Kohn captioned the post. “But am so into the rest of it.”

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Second Grader Writes A Heartbreaking Message to Betsy DeVos Not To Tear Her School

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