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Ceelo Green Wore a Gold Outfit to The Grammys & Twitter Went Crazy & Confused

Ceelo Green came, confused everyone and left unnoticed. He attended Grammys, cast weird spells and disappeared quickly. The internet went crazy and played its fundamental part after he left and trolled and trotted his appearance.

Me and my chain are just here to collect the trophies for Work and Anti…howbowdah

A post shared by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

Diet Coke or bust. @enews #eredcarpet #grammys

A post shared by BETCHES (@betches) on

Since he did not win any award he returned early. In quite a frantic style. See how.

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Ceelo Green Wore a Gold Outfit to The Grammys & Twitter Went Crazy & Confused

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