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Make America Great Again Dress at The Grammys Received Great Twitter Love & Responses

Joy Villa, the singer and songwriter defied all liberal canons portrayed by the early Hollywood celebrities that bragged against President Trump. She wore “Make America Great Again” on the Grammys 2017 Red Carpet this Sunday.

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grammys red carpet 2017 joy villaFrazer Harrison/Getty

She presented her likening to President’s political thought rather and revealed her political opinion. She received massive responses across the country. Some people approved and other disapproved of that.

She received a lot of love and that made it a special event for Trump supporters. She said her dress is all about “Love” and it is love that has made her.

Some of the responses are here:

Go big, or go home. You can either stand for what you believe or fall for what you don’t. Above all make a choice…

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Make America Great Again Dress at The Grammys Received Great Twitter Love & Responses

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