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Meet ‘Microdave’ The Smallest Horse of The World

Here is an adorable miniature stallion “Microdave.” Microdave the miniature and beautiful stallion has drawn crowds for his charm. It stands just 18 inches high at the age of 12 days. Microdave is just two inches smaller than Einstein who has many fans who come to visit him. He is barely half the size of his foal breed and the popularity is growing leaps and bounds.

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Microdave, uses his adorable small size and adores his human mum Haysden Samber Tiddly and the owner Jen Baldwin Murphy.

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Jen, the owner of Haysden Liveries near Tonbridge, Kent, states “I still can not believe how small he actually is. He is also really popular with our visitors, it is almost non stop. I have to check people that they did not put him in their pocket.”

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She further says, her husband, Dave, had bought Microdave’s mother as a present for his loving wife in 2014. Microdave born on June 11, two weeks early than his expected birth. Jen was forced to convert hay barn with small doors to fit the size.

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“He is the first foal that I have owned, but I have seen lots , but never anything like him. He may be small, but he makes up for it by being really bold. And as he gets older, he gets even more cheekier,” added Jen.

“It is really impossible to keep him from dashing between fields. I need to put some lower fencing so that I could keep track of him. We love him so much but he drives me and his mum frantic sometimes”.

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Jen, is a professional trainer of horses for last 25 years. She has few miniatures too. When Microdave was born her plan was to sell him. When she saw his beauty, his blue eyes attracted her so much that she decided to keep him.

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Meet ‘Microdave’ The Smallest Horse of The World

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