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The Excavators in Egypt Unearthed 3000-Year-Old Ramses II Statute

A professional team of German and Egyptian archaeologists announced a historic discovery on March 9, 2017– Parts of a giant, believed to be depicting legendary Pharaoh Ramses II 3000-year-old statute, were discovered buried centuries ago beneath the slums of Matariya, Cairo.

discovered pharaoh ramses II Cairo
Image: Xinhua/ Rex

The discovery could spark a new chapter about the Egyptian ancient history as it tells the story about the origin of the world.

The discovered statue’s chest and head measure 8 meters and made of quartzite. The grandson of Ramses II, Pharaoh Seti II’s upper part of the small statue and some fragments of an obelisk bear hieroglyphics has also been discovered.

A part of an ancient Egyptian obelisk unearthed on Thursday is seen in the Matariya area in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

According to Reuters

Dietrich Raue, head of the expedition’s German team, told Reuters that ancient Egyptians believed Heliopolis was the place where the sun god lives, meaning it was off-limits for any royal residences.

“The sun god created the world in Heliopolis, in Matariya. That’s what I always tell the people here when they say is there anything important. According to the pharaonic belief, the world was created in Matariya,” Raue said.

The experts have been striving to restore the broken artifacts to be displayed on the occasion of the Grand Egyptian Museum 2018. It can greatly restore the glory of Egyptian tourism which was deeply affected by the unrest and terror in the country.

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Egyptians gather to watch as a statue depicting revered Pharaoh Ramses II is unearthed at the Matariya area in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
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Egyptian workers prepare to lift parts of a statue that they say likely depicts Pharaoh Ramses II who ruled Egypt over 3,000 years ago, at the Matariya area in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
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Matariya residents rest against what appears to be the head of an unearthed statue that workers say depicts Pharaoh Ramses II, in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
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A statue workers say depicts Pharaoh Ramses II who ruled Egypt over 3,000 years was unearthed on Thursday in the Matariya area in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany
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A statue workers say depicts Pharaoh Ramses II who ruled Egypt over 3,000 years was unearthed on Thursday in the Matariya area in Cairo, Egypt, March 9, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

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The Excavators in Egypt Unearthed 3000-Year-Old Ramses II Statute

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