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Anyone Noticed A Typo in President Trump’s Inauguration Poster

WASHINGTON (AP) The Library of Congress store removed misspelled Trump poster from the online store that was showcased for the auction earlier.

 According to the Associated Pres, a poster of President Trump has been removed from the online store of the Library of Congress that had a misspelling.  BI
Library of Congress

The poster included a quote that read, “No dream is too big, no challenge is to great. Nothing we want for the future is beyond our reach.” The phrase should have been, rather “too great.”

trumpposter 2The twitter users had quickly spotted the error and it was removed instantly. However, the archived version could still be accessed on the website of  internet archives.

Eventually, the Library of Congress did not respond to the comment request.


It had adverb “to” in the second line instead of “too”.

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Anyone Noticed A Typo in President Trump’s Inauguration Poster

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