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Protesters Vandalize UC Berkeley to Cancel The Appearance of Breitbart Editor Yiannopoulos – Videos & Photos

Hundreds of protesters at the UC Berkeley had vandalized the infrastructure on Wednesday, they smashed windows, set fire on everything and indulged into feuds and fights with the Police. They were bent upon forcing the right-wing speaker to cancel his appearance at the liberal-leaning institution.

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Protesters setup fires during a protest against right-wing troll Milo Yiannopoulos who was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif., on Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2017. (Doig Duran/Bay Area News Group)

The video footage shows the most agitated activities that took place Wednesday. It looked like the protesters were not only against Milo, but they were quite enraged and invigorated on the recent changes the republican president had announced since inauguration. The Police looked far from dispersing them.

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All started suddenly just two hours before the appearance of controversial breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos who was supposed to deliver a speech to the student union. The students-cum-protesters tossed away the metal barricades, set a generator on fire and smashed the windows panes with rocks by throwing wildly. East Bay Times


The police immediately sent warning to disperse the mobsters and locked down the campus. Resultantly, the protesters tossed fire-crackers on Police. The police fired rubber bullets back at the crowd.


“We shut down the event. It was great. Mission accomplished”




a protester told to CNN. 

Among 1500 peaceful protesters there were about 150 masked and hooded rioters, who had been responsible for the whole vandalism.

Steve Bannon, the Ex-head of CNN and Breitbart, now acting as Donald Trump’s chief strategist reported that a great number among the protesters were those who voiced against the President.

They seemed to be opposed to Trump’s proposed orders, policies and the very executive order announced on Saturday. One of them had a sign on, “No Safe Space for Racists” while the others kept dancing to the music as the video footage shows.

The conservative and most controversial Breitbart editor, Yiannopoulos, whose twitter account was suspended by the Twitter team on the counts of harassing African-American actress, is the man the protesters did not want to allow at any cost.

President said on UC Berkeley,

If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?


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Protesters Vandalize UC Berkeley to Cancel The Appearance of Breitbart Editor Yiannopoulos – Videos & Photos

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