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8 Signs You Are Being Lied To & Are Damn Spot On

You lose count of the number of people you talk to during the day but chances are that most of them have lied to you, at one time or the other. Though we find it difficult to believe but our friends or co-workers lie to us regularly. According to a study conducted by psychologist Robert Feldman, from the University of Massachusetts, almost 60% of the people lie during a 10 minute conversation.

According to Feldman most of the people are so much into this habit that they don’t even realize when they are lying. Men and Women lie equally but for different reasons. Mostly women lie to make the person they are talking to feel good while men lie most often to make themselves look better.

According to a new research conducted by Dr. Leanne ,from the Haas School of Business, although our instincts are pretty good in telling us that the other person is a liar but still we hesitate to tell them so because we feel guilty for being suspicious.

However the research points out to some well-documented behavioral and psychological changes that we can use to make accurate assessments about other people’s truthfulness.

However keeping an eye out for the following signs can tell us if a person is lying.

Black woman raising her eyebrow

1. They Cover Their Mouths:  

148 tom hanks covering mouth

The entire body language of a lying person changes and they can be seen to instinctively cover their vulnerable body parts. This is because lying makes them feel exposed, vulnerable and open to attack.

2. They Repeat Themselves And Provide Too Much Detail:

french gestures

liars feel a sort of insecurity so in an effort to convince you and themselves of their deception, they tend to talk more than needed. They will give you details that are not required and often repeat their phrases in order to support their story.

3. They Prepare For An Escape:

averting gaze

Liars are always tense and ill at ease so we will see that their posture is never relaxed and they always appear to be fidgety and jerky. They will never sit in a relaxed posture but their bodies always perk up in an unconscious attempt to escape.

4. Their Words And Body Language Don’t Match:

BodyLanguageProjectCom Lying Or Deceptive Body Language Or Dishonesty 3

Another sure sign of a liar is that their words and body language are both giving an entirely different message. Like if someone is telling you a sad incident and all the time they are smiling or their gestures or body posture is excited and animated.

5. Their Breathing Changes:


Liars start breathing more heavily as their heart rate and blood flow changes. Sometimes they even have trouble in speaking as the mucous membranes in the mouth dry out.

6. They Change Their Typical Patterns of Eye Movement:

look down

A change in the eye movement can be a very strong indicator of lying, but you have to know a person’s typical pattern first. Thus this tactic is more suitable with people you know well. However there is one movement that’s pretty common and that is that all liars tend to look towards the door, though unconsciously.

7. They Get Aggressive:

hand gestures

Liars will often get aggressive in a conversation for no obvious reason. At other times they will stare at you unblinkingly, in an abrasive attempt to appear truthful.

8. They Fidget:

not matching

Fidgeting is a clear sign of nervous energy and liars can often be seen fidgeting a lot. Liars worry that you won’t believe them so they feel vulnerable and the body wants to escape the situation.

Bringing It All Together:

Covering Mouth

Before drawing any conclusions we have to consider the normal behavior of the person concerned. The indicators mentioned above only have meaning in the context of a person’s typical behavior.

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8 Signs You Are Being Lied To & Are Damn Spot On

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