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This Ukrainian Artist Believes Her Crafts Bring Joy and Positivism to People

Helen from Ukraine is a very crafty person. She can craft anything from anything, thats absolutely true to the word’s very grit. She keeps writing about her craft thats impressive.

Helen’s Message Through Craftiness

According to her the crafts are made in such a manner that would help you feel joy, love and beauty on the same moment.

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Lets see how far she has been true.

14478335 1802968133325768 6535900580433362944 n 14488273 1873541296210312 340052352033619968 n 14540488 197474957365450 252286683909718016 n 14566692 185566611904047 2526098582944088064 n 14582237 1769148226671092 1239042290450694144 n 14582325 326678154392013 1576143424426344448 n 14607185 1828108360808049 6560364323309355008 n 14705090 325967144454148 8212543834404421632 n 14705151 376900632647325 8973021893569282048 n 14711953 320726901616917 6994122296122146816 n 14714414 1233635256683398 8022354487739940864 n 14718369 1799614813625776 978035319691542528 n 15034559 581799022003536 6784250158017150976 n 15043722 764668990331931 527663558679330816 n 15046968 149817025489833 1843673424010936320 n 15057184 346225802409106 6471414558471749632 n 15101511 189163441544198 967138712783683584 n 15101674 1793011277582406 4895091187800604672 n 15538261 1692504031040056 3678095432631713792 n 15625529 231983507229944 817499084368642048 n 15802504 356725234706074 4449745225719480320 n 15803334 197853450684887 321431160544559104 n

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This Ukrainian Artist Believes Her Crafts Bring Joy and Positivism to People

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