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The Teen Makeup Artist Recreates Old Artworks on Eyelids Incredibly Well

Stefania the 16-year-old makeup artist is so obsessed with classic art work and makeup that she recreates Victorian landscapes and art work on her eyelids.

More importantly she recreates the art works of the following painters:

  1. Water Lilies by Monet
  2. Almond Blossom” and “Starry Night” by Van Gogh
  3. The Wave by Hokusai

Besides she has also a Youtube channel where she posts the relevant instruction videos about how she practices that.

via: laughingsquid | Stefania 

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Instructional Video by Stefania

She recreates Monet Water Lilies amazingly. Such an incredible make up artist she is- wow!

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The Teen Makeup Artist Recreates Old Artworks on Eyelids Incredibly Well

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