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Syrian 11 Year Old Forgot to Laugh And Canada Help Him Smile Again Successfully

There are thousands of such stories of people from Syria who are forced to leave their beloved homeland. There is so much bloodshed, death and mass displacement that the children have become weary than ever in the history.

They have questions no one is there to answer, they have promises perplexing no one is there to drive them away from. Most of them have swollen faces than smiley.

Here is one of the story of our time. That really is fetched well and served positively by the Canadian government.

Basel Alrashdan, 11, and his family were the first Syrian family to be resettled on Canada’s Prince Edward Island.

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About 50 million children across the globe have been displaced, more than half of them by conflict or violence. The Syrian crisis have displaced over 2.2 million children to flee wherever they can except their own homeland and most of them fled to neighbouring countries.

The Canadian Government invite 300,000 immigrants per annum and that makes one half her total population.

This boy and his family have finally found their home in Canada. They look very comfortable there. The things he still misses his homeland but he loves to in Canada too.

Some of glimpses into his new life

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“We lost it all,” Mrs. Aldrashan continues. “And now we will try to do our best in Canada.” “They gave us everything we need and didn’t ask us for anything,” her husband adds.

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photocredits: © UNICEF/UN046033/Gilbertson VII Photo


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Syrian 11 Year Old Forgot to Laugh And Canada Help Him Smile Again Successfully

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