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Brazilian Vampire Bats Feed on Human Blood Instead of Birds’


Naturally vampire bats feed on blood of wild birds in the wild. But now the things seem to have changed since the traces of human blood have been found in faeces samples. The habitat ruled by humans has forced those bats to rely on mammal blood. The tragic incidence could lead to rabies in humans caused by bats.

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Their food source being the blood of wild birds only, the recent researches conducted Federal university of Pernambuco, Brazil have put forwarded the reality check on how these vampires would behave in absence of birds.

The researchers conducted the research by collecting the samples and they were surprised to see the traces of human blood.

See what Daily Mail Said:

The team analysed 70 faeces samples from a colony of hairy-legged vampire bats, living in the Catimbau National Park in Brazil. To their surprise, they found that three samples contained traces of human blood.


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Enrico Bernard the main man in the league speaking to New Scientist, said

‘We were quite surprised.’This species isn’t adapted to feed on the blood of mammals.’


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Brazilian Vampire Bats Feed on Human Blood Instead of Birds’

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