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Some Trump Supporters Could See Private Property Seized or Sold And They Might Go to Courts

Some of Trump supporters might fall under the wall as their homes might fall on Mexico-side. If the wall is built they may have to live in Mexico. Are they ready for that?

A CNN survey conducted that surfaced the truth about the impact of wall on the U.S. citizens and Mexico. There are boarder dwellers as well in the U.S. States that voted for Trump. They have found several lawsuits filed for taking property from homeowners. With President Trump’s wall plans to be carried on there are Trump voters ready to fight his administration in the courts if he is going to build the wall.

A family’s farm had been cut 10 years ago into two – part of it in the U.S. and other in Mexico.

“I was very angry, I just kept saying, how can they do that? How is that possible in the United States that they can do this?” D’Ann Loop of Brownsville recalled. “They put up a fence in front of our land and then keep us in here — lock us in. I didn’t understand. I was very — I was floored and flabbergasted.”
According to Loop.

cnn trump wall bell
“It left us no property on the U.S. side of the border wall, including my house,” she explained. “Everything was behind — on the Mexican side of the U.S. border fence,” she entered the USA with her family through a locked gate.

Ray Loop said “You punch your code in or you come behind the border wall, there is a feeling of isolation.”

As Trump’s wall will include hundreds of more miles that have been proposed to commence the project along the Texas border, there are chances that people may be forced to either sell their properties or live on other side of wall in least expected circumstances.

Pat Bell, an other owner says that although she had voted for President Trump but never supported his wall plan, if things not change and Trump administration goes to build the wall she may go to the courts because her home will no longer be in Texas.

“Fences and walls don’t work, I will fight to stop it,” she added.

“Absolutely I would go to the people who are in charge and, you hate to say I would get a lawyer, but if it comes to that issue, you would,” she explained.

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Some Trump Supporters Could See Private Property Seized or Sold And They Might Go to Courts

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