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This Man Rescued 669 Children During Holocaust And He Does Not Know They Are Sitting With Him

Sir Nicholas Winton was the greatest humanitarian during the World War II times. He had been helping the grief stricken by organizing teams. His historic human service had been the one when he rescued 669 Jewish Czech children from Nazi Concentration camps.

As he we have seen most the similar scenes in the movies like Schindler’s List and many more. He helped these children by saving them and bringing them to the Great Britain in 1939.

In this video he is actually sitting with them and he does not know that the people on the show are actually the grown up children that he saved during the World War II.

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He died in 2015 at the age of 106 years

PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC – OCTOBER 28: Sir Nicholas Winton attends a ceremony to receive the Order of White Lion, the highest order of the Czech Republic, from Czech President Milos Zeman during the Independence Day at Prague Castle on October 28, 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic. 105-year-old Winton saved 669 mostly Jewish children by organising their escape from occupied Czechoslovakia to Great Britain, earning him the nickname the ‘British Schindler’. (Photo by Matej Divizna/Getty Images) 



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This Man Rescued 669 Children During Holocaust And He Does Not Know They Are Sitting With Him

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