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The Fashionhood of A UK Based Mother And Her Two Daughters

Like mother, like daughter. Right? Well, looks like it. Dominique is a UK-based lifestyle Instagrammer and, more importantly, mother of two beautiful girls, Amelia (10) and Penny (3).

Dominique the mother of two cute girls, is a UK based lifestyle & fashion blogger soul who adores life and her two lovely daughters, Amelia 10 and Penny 3.

She on her blog AllTahtIsShe talk about real life experience and how she rose to live a better life when she left her job in 2015.

According to her instagram and her blog have given her the strength and specially instagram has, in a way, help her grow.

She loves to take pictures of daughters with her in the same attire and post them on Instagram. She is treating the habit of dressing all three in the similar fashion as a hobby. They twist is that all the three look like sisters instead of a mother and her two daughters.

Lets see some of their pictures

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The Fashionhood of A UK Based Mother And Her Two Daughters

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